Windows 重要更新-KB2511250
今日收到 Windows 7 通知重大更新中有一個編號 KB2511250 的通知。內容含糊的說:「安裝此更新可解決 windows 中的問題。」這樣不明不白的說明看了就很讓人不放心,於是點進去看詳細資訊。
內容大概是說 IE 9 對於 SVG 的圖形呈現或使用CSS 3中的透明度會出現問題,這個更新就是要修補此一錯誤。最後在備註的地方還不忘說其他的瀏覽器也會有類似的問題 XD
Assume that you install Windows Internet Explorer 9 on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. In this situation, you cannot print a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) or level 3 Cascading Style Sheet (CSS3) file that includes a transparent white layer in Internet Explorer 9.
Note You may also encounter this issue in third-party web browsers.
內容大概是說 IE 9 對於 SVG 的圖形呈現或使用CSS 3中的透明度會出現問題,這個更新就是要修補此一錯誤。最後在備註的地方還不忘說其他的瀏覽器也會有類似的問題 XD
Assume that you install Windows Internet Explorer 9 on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. In this situation, you cannot print a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) or level 3 Cascading Style Sheet (CSS3) file that includes a transparent white layer in Internet Explorer 9.
Note You may also encounter this issue in third-party web browsers.